Wednesday, June 6

Expect new censorship, if our privates enter the public domain - Opinion

The beauty of cities, and much of their excitement, lies in the idea of public space: permeable, universal, inalienable. But they are exciting because they're unpredictable and, to that extent, threatening.

Not sure what I'm thinking about this idea. But it does have relevance to libraries and how 'silos' are created so that wider audiences, who might be interested or have a desire for that information, are prevented from accessing it "because of privacy".

It comes down to the impulse to share or to hoard, I think. One operates from a position of plenty leading to 'power shared', the other from a position of scarcity leading to 'power over' - a place where we are constantly being lead back to by those with more money and the (possible) perception that they are loosing by sharing their power with others ...

Warning! This is still a thought in process ...

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