Monday, June 17

Polite Perth

I was late to work this morning because a train got stuck in the underground tunnel. Apparently it got stuck quite early this morning, as I spoke to one chap at 8:30am who claimed he had been stuck long enough to get some coffee from the Hay St Mall. It smelt like good coffee too.

What struck me most was the reasonably cheerful resignation of the gradually increasing crowd on the platform. I did have one moment of distinct amusement though. Just as the damaged train crawled back into the station, an announcment was made that "The next train to Joondalup will depart in ... minutes."
lt took another half hour before a train actually departed, and everyone piling into the carriages was accommadating and polite in moving into the carriage so everyone could get where they wanted to go.
I was quite impressed with my fellow train travellers this morning.
Stuck on the station platform

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