Tuesday, June 7

Monday's Meme: Seven

The Bun-toting Librarian devised a meme for Mondays for this #blogjune challenge. It's actually a lot harder than it looked, and will require me to contemplate the catagories again at some point...
  1. Seven Things that Scare Me
    1. Not being able to pay the mortgage
    2. Enclosed spaces
    3. Riding in a car driven by someone who doesn't concentrate on the road
    4. WA drivers on wet roads
    5. The apparent increasing stupidity of public figures pandering to the greatest ignorance
    6. Going blind*
    7. Dementia*
      * These don't scare me, they terrify me. There is a qualitative difference
  2. Seven Things I Like
    1. Sewing/knitting/crochet/spinning – playing with textiles generally
    2. Eating good food in good company
    3. A comfortable chair in which to read
    4. A stack of books to read and time to read them
    5. Tea: black, green, white or herbal, just so long as it's served 'nekkid' (no milk or sugar)
    6. finding out how to find stuff
    7. My children, who seemed to have turned into reasonable people
  3. Seven Random Facts About Me
    1. I learnt to knit on socks because nobody told me it was difficult (Knitting for Dummies was very useful)
    2. I arrived 'on Australia (the biggest island in the world)' the day before Tracey blew Darwin away
    3. I used to be mother to seven. “Two cats, two dogs, two kids and a husband”. The dogs died and the kids grew up. The cats and the spouse are still around though.
    4. My children and my dogs were all trained to the whistle, and it still occasionally works on the cats
    5. I like having long red hair, though I could wish it were a little thicker
    6. I like co-ordinating my outfits with my wildly coloured hand-knitted socks
    7. I once entertained Jimmy Doohan (Cmdr Montgomery Scott) in my own home
  4. Seven Things I want to Do Before I Die
    1. Attend the launch of the first colonists to the Moon, or at least visit the Kennedy Space Centre
    2. Visit the Ashford spinning wheel factory in New Zealand
    3. Tour the 'Top End' during the dry season and visit Uluru
    4. Wear clothes of my own design, from creation of the yarn and fabric to the manufacture of the garment. (At least one jacket anyway.)
    5. Be better at what I do
    6. Write a really useful Library Hack
    7. Learn to speak Klingon?
  5. Seven Things I Can Do Well
    1. Listen
    2. Ask questions
    3. Help others find solutions
    4. Edit other's work
    5. Tell really bad jokes – badly *G*
    6. Sew
    7. Cook
  6. Seven Things I Can’t Do But Wish I Could
    1. Play the piano
    2. Write really well
    3. Dance
    4. Travel whenever I want
    5. Tell really bad jokes well
    6. Play computer games
    7. Be one of the first Lunar colonists
  7. Seven Phrases I’m Known to Use
    1. “Oh bother!” said Pooh
    2. Bloody hell!
    3. Bugga
    4. Poot
    5. Abso-fraggin-lutely
    6. Where in heck are my specs?
    7. Live long and prosper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
