Tuesday, August 16

Intimations of Spring

I hope someone had a good view of the Perseid showers this past weekend, in spite of the full moon. We were looking forward to them, but the rain moved in last night.
It is funny (with wonderment) how on Friday morning the day was smelling all spring-like, that incipient anticipatory smell with birds visibly trailing nesting material as they fly about (or carrying on noisily in the trees as you walk to the car at the end of the day and the small child walking their dog asks its parent what they are doing - that was amusing), and Sunday was the same with the frogs in the various ponds around here harmonizing croakingly about the depth of the water and the possibilities therein.
Then it rained and it doesn't smell wintery any more, even though the front has come up from the south and the temperature dropped like a stone and the rapid changes in air pressure brings its own headaches.
Spring officially doesn't get here until September, two weeks away at least. But I have a sneaking suspision that the birds and flowers are a more accurate indicator about when spring starts to get sprung *g*

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