Saturday, June 1

1st June: That means it's time for #blogjune!

Where has this last twelve months gone? Apparently it has passed almost without me noticing. Yet some fairly amazing things have happened in that year.

And they are are still happening too. This week l started a six week contract which is proving interesting and reminding me how much fun it is to talk to other librarians "in the flesh" so-to-speak. The best bit is that l finally have an excuse to travel to work on the train.

I don't know what it is about riding a train. I think it is a hangover from it being a big treat when I was a very small person. But then I like the idea of being able to get places without having to worry about parking (and the incidental exercise to get to the actual office ain't a bad thing either).
This means that I have a fondness for other forms of public transport like buses. Not so much ferries, although there is one across the river in my city I don't live or work where I could take advantage of them.

I often wonder what it would be like to live somewhere where I could take advantage of more exotic (by comparison) public transport.

USS Enterprise on board the USS Intrepid in New York Harbour
USS Enterprise on board the USS Intrepid in New York Harbour (Sep 2013)

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