Tuesday, April 13

Quitting Facebook?

Yet another person I respect is considering quitting the ubiquitous Facebook.  In fact the thinking has paralleled mine in many ways, and I've still not weaned myself totally off.  I often feel it also has the feel of the worst aspects of huge shopping centres, soul-less and dedicated to cheap goods and high turn-overs.  I've often thought that it feels more like reading a trashy comic in comparison to the presentation of a well produced hard-cover when comparing it to a considerate blog post or email communication, which is not to admit that some blog posts or emails are not poor mental sustenance.

Mind you, it's not necessarily the influx of younger people, but the way in which the ToS and Privacy change without notice, which lessens my control of what information I make available.  The blatant and clumsily bolted-on attempts to "monetise" ... I've just realised what fictional character of whom I am reminded: Mr CMOT Dibbler of Ankh-Morpork from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels!
Perhaps I have always been cynical after an early experience with Fido-Net (yes I've been on line that long), when I realised that anything online can be read or tracked down especially if contributed to a forum whether it was advertised as public or not.  At least with email, forums and blog-posts the status of what is public or quasi-private is relatively clear in comparison.  Yet there is that whole 'network' thing, that is supposed to be an important part of the modern work experience.  But I get that by reading blogs of those I find interesting and following the links to places that they recommend, so why should I be satisfied with the 'discount store' version, when I can explore/read the exotic, individualistic crafted communications that are blogs?

Except, just occasionally I suppose, I need to get the equivalent of cheap paper towels?

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