Saturday, June 18

Watching TV

I had a lovely day re-watching “Sherlock” today, I've seen it several times now and every time it makes me appreciate the skill of Conan-Doyle all over again. One of the things I have always appreciated is a well designed character that is observant of the situation around them to work on a puzzle. Over the years, in all the books I've read Sherlock Holmes has always been my favourite, but I am now of the opinion that the latest version with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock is probably the closest, for my taste, to the original stories. Which is not to say I didn't enjoy the rrecent Robert Downey Jnr version, or the old Danial Rathbone version, just that they appeal on different levels and in different ways.

I remember reading somewhere once that the reason crime fiction is so popular is because it solves an intractable problem and puts the world to right while punishing those that are wicked. It's a way of controlling the chaos in our lives I suppose what is fascinating is that the “detective story” is so effective, be it in the written, cinematic or television forms.

The best part about watching a tv/movie detective story for a second (third or more time) is that the boring bits can be occupied by doing something else – like knitting socks, or sewing something or writing emails/blog posts. Guess what I've been doing today – I think my sock knitting and email writing has been caught up to date, and now I've just got to finish this post. Good night! *G*

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